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Covid-19 and the Workers of the World. Invitation to a Debate


Worlds of Related Coercions in WorK – WORCK represents a radical ...

IDIVAL and the UC participate in the COST ACTION Atmospheric ...

The newborn COST Action “Worlds of Related Coercions in Work” (WORCK) has decided to open a discussion space in the form of a blog on the consequences of the Corona virus on the world of work. The purpose of this initiative is to reflect on the dynamics and transformations in the world of work triggered by the new situation generated by the virus, especially in relation to the production and reproduction of old and new forms of social inequalities. The following are the policy and editorial lines of the initiative:

WORCK Blog: Labour and Coercion
Editorial: Covid-19 and the Workers of the World. Invitation to a Debate-

The coronavirus has turned the world upside down. The neoliberal project of deregulating the movement of capital and commodities while managing human mobility has made way for a restrictive crisis management organised along nation-state lines with strict border controls. At this stage, it appears difficult to gauge whether the current crisis will result in major shifts in the global political agenda or rather into an acceleration of the existing power balances. Similarly, it remains to be seen whether the measures taken by the national decision-makers will herald a new governmental regime or if they stand in continuity with the neoliberal project.

While we can’t tell today if and how social and working class movements will be able to act and intervene in this crisis, we can clearly see how the prevailing management strategies reinforce old inequalities and establish new social boundaries within and between societies:

  • boundaries between permanent residents covered by a national social security system on the one hand and the non-insured day laborers and self-employed, the migrant workers and undocumented migrants with no residence status on the other,
  • boundaries between the vulnerable high-risk group of elderly or ill people deprived of their social contacts (and personal caregivers from abroad), between the potentially infected others, reorganised in small unities of the nuclear family or the single household, and those who live in crowded conditions with no possibility for social distancing,
  • boundaries between those who are allowed to work from home, between those who are considered indispensable for the critical infrastructure or obliged to ply their work for the sake of the national GDP despite potential health risks and those who lose their jobs,
  • boundaries between those who are able to survive the crisis – be it thanks to a social security system, governmental aid funds or personal savings – and those who are left to die. For a scientific network that is funded by the European Union to connect people and ideas around the globe through meetings and conferences and to reflect on the relation between labour and coercion in a long-term and global perspective, this is a moment to pause.

Over the last twenty years, a new history of work has fought to overcome traditional binaries and biases in labour history. The classical focus on the free wage labourer and the male breadwinner of the national welfare states in Western Europe and modern capitalism has been replaced by a very broad understanding of work, including all sorts of non-productive or non-remunerated work and all forms of self-employment or coerced labour. Starting from there, this COST Action seeks to link the stories of work and production with those of violence, expropriation and marginalisation. It addresses the persistence and transformation of coercion and bondage across gender orders, world regions and historical eras.

Many pressing issues and urgent questions come to our mind, when we follow the reporting

around the globe:

  • How does the corona crisis reveal and affect the social and economic conditions of work and production as well as of violence, expropriation and marginalisation?
  • What are the intersectional dynamics of unemployment and personal dependency triggered by the coronavirus? What is the percentage of female and of older employees losing their jobs due to the corona crisis?
  • What does the emphasis on staying at home mean for the household as a work-site? What are the gendered implications of work from home set-ups for unpaid housework, childcare, and the potential of domestic violence?
  • Who are the subalterns of the current emergency measures and national relief funds?
  • What are the new dimensions of precarious work in times of covid-19? How does the crisis affect the informal sector?
  • What are the implications of the new labour regimes for the (re)conceptualisation of a history of work?

We invite trade unionists, activists, media representatives, concerned citizens and those directly affected to enter into a debate with an international network of economic and social historians, of anthropologists, sociologists and philosophers of work.

We welcome contributions of the following kinds:

  • Reviews of press articles, commentaries or documentaries dealing with the new means and mechanisms of coercion in the world of labour since the corona crisis,
  • Reports on experiences of coercion made by workers since the beginning of the corona crisis,
  • Essays by social and economic historians, anthropologists, sociologists or philosophers of work reflecting on the new modes of coercion in times of Covid-19 in a long-term and global perspective,
  • Initiatives launched by NGOs, citizens’ movements or individuals and trying to raise awareness and fight for those who fall through the cracks of a nationalistic management of a global crisis of healthcare and economy.

Editorial note: Even though this is an English-speaking website, we also welcome blog posts written in other languages than English. If you would like to add a picture to your blog entry, please make sure that you respect the copyright and send us the relevant indications of the copyright holders.


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Jacopo Ciammariconi (20. April 2020). Covid-19 and the Workers of the World. Invitation to a Debate. TrIBES. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2025 von

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