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Conferenza/Conference (Zoom): “Dal rifiuto del lavoro alla precarietà: l’evoluzione del rapporto tra giovani e lavoro in Italia 1977-2002” – Jacopo Ciammariconi (Trier)

ASMI Annual Conference 2021: LABOUR AND THE MAKING OF ITALY FROM CAVOUR TO COVID – Italian Cultural Institute, London (Online Conference)

Saturday the 4th of December 13.30-15 (UK time); 14.30-16.00 (ITA)

This year ASMI annual conference (online) will explore meanings and transformations of work in modern and contemporary Italy, including labour’s shifting geographies, discourses and representations. The decline of the Fordist factory and the diminishing centrality of factories into people’s life and Italy’s national identity triggered in the 1980s and 1990s a temporary decline in the study of labour. However, growing interest in issues such as homeworking, the feminization of work, precarity and “non-lavoro”, cognitive work, new digital professions, transnational flows of labour migration have recently signalled a revival of the field with original and thought-provoking research being carried out in history, political science, sociology, cultural studies and anthropology. Taking stock of this innovative and increasingly interdisciplinary scholarship, the conference will examine the key role played by work in Italy’s political, economic, cultural and social developments since unification and will provide a space to further encourage dialogue on work-related themes across disciplinary boundaries.

This conference will be held online, and Zoom links will be circulated to attendees signed on with Eventbrite tickets prior to the 3rd December.

To register for the conference and receive the links:

The conference is free. However, we encourage participants to support and join ASMI. ASMI membership is annual and includes a subscription to Modern Italy (four issues per year – Cambridge University Press)

Panel 5.1: Ideas and ideologies of work in post-1945 Italy
Saturday the 4th of December 13.30-15 (UK time); 14.30-16.00 (ITA)

Chair: Robert Gordon (University of Cambridge)

Stefano Adamo (Banja Luka University), Looking back on a not-quite-golden age: Recent literature of work and its ideology

Bianca Rita Cataldi (University College Dublin), “La disoccupazione sempre divide”: Labour, Alienation and Unemployment in Ottiero Ottieri’s ‘Donnarumma all’assalto’

Jacopo Ciammariconi (University of Trier), Dal rifiuto del lavoro alla precarietà: l’evoluzione del rapporto tra giovani e lavoro in Italia 1977-2002

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Massimiliano Livi (30. November 2021). Conferenza/Conference (Zoom): “Dal rifiuto del lavoro alla precarietà: l’evoluzione del rapporto tra giovani e lavoro in Italia 1977-2002” – Jacopo Ciammariconi (Trier). TrIBES. Abgerufen am 22. Januar 2025 von

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