Crisis of the Mass Parties and new Affiliations since 1979 – 12-14 October 2023, University of Bari

Promoted by: SISCALT, Italian Association for contemporary history of the German speaking area; German
Historical Institute Rome; Institute of Contemporary History Munich-Berlin; Hanns-Seidel Foundation;
Giuseppe Di Vagno Foundation; City of Bari; University of Bari.
What are the reasons for the crisis of mass parties in late 20th century Europe and for the rise of new
movements at the turn of the new century? Was there a loss of legitimacy due to a widespread corruption
that alienated large part of the electorate? Of an end of ideologies? Or rather of a dislocation of the parties’
social blocks, hence of a difficulty of party elites in channelling a rising subjectivity and a liquid society? Or
should we look after the emptying of European liberal democracies due to globalisation? What is nationally
specific in the downfall of political affiliation in Europe? The conference intends to question historically a
phenomenon that appears spent and focus on the crisis and transformation of the two families of the
Christian popular and the socialist and communist parties at large in Italy and Germany, placing them in the
European context and within a passage of epoch.
Full program (German version) at:
The conference takes place in Italian and German, with simultaneous translation, and it will be broadcasted
from the Facebook page of Siscalt,

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Massimiliano Livi (8. Oktober 2023). Crisis of the Mass Parties and new Affiliations since 1979 – 12-14 October 2023, University of Bari. TrIBES. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2025 von