Die extreme Rechte. Deutschland, Italien und Europa
Massimiliano Livi: Die extreme Rechte in Italien. Von den 1970er-Jahren bis heute in Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 63/2023, S. 61-91 – ISBN:
In contemporary discourse, right-wing extremism is often perceived as external to society. However, the electoral successes of right-wing nationalist parties in Germany and Europe paint a different picture. Interpreting these movements merely as “accidents” overlooks historical continuities in right-wing milieus, as well as social ruptures and ideological realignments.
The current issue of the “Archiv für Sozialgeschichte” introduces perspectives on the social history of right-wing extremism. It specifically delves into what constituted right-wing extremism both in the past and present. The investigation extends to identifying social and political changes in the right-wing milieu since 1945 and their potential causes. The analysis also explores the individuals shaping and fostering right-wing movements, as well as the responses of institutions and groups threatened by or combating these extremists. The volume investigates the historical genesis, meanings, and societal functions of right-wing extremism from 1945 into the 21st century.
A crucial term that has gained prominence since the 1970s is “right-wing extremism,” displacing the previously prevalent term “right-radicalism.” This term targets movements rejecting the representative-parliamentary system and aspiring to an authoritarian order in an ethnically homogeneous nation. The evolution of the term’s definition, especially in the social sciences, is scrutinized, with Richard Stöss and Hans-Gerd Jaschke presenting different perspectives.
Normative definitions of right-wing extremism impede historiographical work. The critical examination of the distinction between worldview and attitudes, particularly in the context of 1950s politics, is emphasized. The focus is on analyzing norms and values subject to societal change.
The extreme right is conceptualized as a collective political actor identifying itself as the “national opposition” or “national camp.” The term “nationalism” is proposed as an overarching concept to historically grasp the German right. Authors Haßler and Rigoll differentiate between partial, integrated, and organized nationalism to highlight connections to conservative and national-liberal circles. This approach enables a more precise delineation of prejudice structures like racism or antisemitism.
Massimiliano Livi‘s essay on “The Extreme Right in Italy” illuminates the historical development of this phenomenon. The Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) represented the neofascist right in parliament during the First Republic. The essay explores definitional challenges of the extreme right in Italy, distinguishing between neofascism, extreme, and radical right. Three case studies illustrate the political and structural continuity and complexity of the extreme right in Italy in different phases.
The rise of right-wing populism since the 1990s necessitates new explanatory approaches. Livi demonstrates the intertwining of right-conservative and nationalist policies in the Italian context, especially under Berlusconi, who brought the extreme right out of political isolation and into government responsibility.
Overall, the analysis provides profound insights into the historical genesis, meanings, and societal functions of right-wing extremism in Germany, Europe, and specifically in Italy up to the present day.

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Jacopo Ciammariconi (4. Dezember 2023). Die extreme Rechte. Deutschland, Italien und Europa. TrIBES. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/uxlg
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