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Verschlagwortet: Rechtsextremismus

© Laura Borràs Dalmau

Some Reflections on the Fascist legacy in Italy

Some Reflections from the Round Table at the Kick-Off Event F-Word: An anthropological exploration of fascist practices and meanings among European youth – 30 May 2024 University of Turin
Within the contemporary Italian political scene, the term “fascism” stirs a blend of historical reflection and current analysis. Its legacy, far from being a mere relic of the past, actively permeates both rhetoric and concrete political practices today. The journey from the anti-fascist resistance movement culminating in the Italian Republic to the present illustrates not merely a continuation of specific ideologies but a nuanced adaptation that reflects the dynamic nature of political beliefs and cultural identity. The persistent presence of far-right currents, evolving from historical fascism to modern iterations like the Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI), Alleanza Nazionale (AN), and ultimately Fratelli d’Italia, underlines the complexity of fully disengaging from a fascist past. This dialogue explores the validity of “fascism” as a term in contemporary discussion, the legitimate association of current political practices with historical fascism, and the most palpable manifestations of fascist legacy in today’s Italy. Here, we delve into an integrated narrative, pieced together from various perspectives throughout our conversation

L’estrema destra in Italia: definizioni e fenomeno // Die extreme Rechte in Italien: Definitionen und Phänomen

In diesem Vortrag befasste sich Massimiliano Livi mit den definitorischen Schwierigkeiten der extremen Rechte in Italien, indem unterschiedliche Begriffsdefinitionen diskutiert und eine Differenzierung zwischen Neofaschismus, extremen und radikalen Rechten vorgenommen wird.

In questa conferenza, Massimiliano Livi ha affrontato le difficoltà definitorie dell’estrema destra in Italia, discutendo diverse definizioni e distinguendo tra neofascismo, estrema destra e destra radicale. Nella sezione principale, tre casi di studio illustrano la continuità politica e strutturale e la complessità dell’estrema destra in Italia.

40 Jahre danach – Die “Gruppe” Ludwig und ihre rechtsextreme Phänomenologie

Bis zur Festnahme von Wolfgang Abel und Marco Furlan im Jahr 1984 wurde allgemein angenommen, dass „Ludwig“ der Name einer geheimen rechtsextremen Organisation sei, die seit einem Jahrzehnt mörderische Aktionen durchführte.

„Ludwig“ tauchte als Pseudonym zum ersten Mal im November 1980 in einem handschriftlich in Pseudorunen geschriebenen Bekennerschreiben auf, das der „Gazzettino“ in Venedig erhielt.

Die extreme Rechte. Deutschland, Italien und Europa

The current issue of the “Archiv für Sozialgeschichte” introduces perspectives on the social history of right-wing extremism. It specifically delves into what constituted right-wing extremism both in the past and present.
Massimiliano Livi’s essay on “The Extreme Right in Italy” illuminates the historical development of this phenomenon. The Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) represented the neofascist right in parliament during the First Republic. The essay explores definitional challenges of the extreme right in Italy, distinguishing between neofascism, extreme, and radical right.
Overall, the analysis provides profound insights into the historical genesis, meanings, and societal functions of right-wing extremism in Germany, Europe, and specifically in Italy up to the present day.